Friday, May 30, 2008

Video Games and Sex

Thankyou Alec Couros for pointing me to this video.

It is a great little video talking about how sex is used in the video game industry. I goes beyond complaining about it. It talks about appropriate ways to include it. A video like this is almost enough to make we wish that I taught some sort of social studes class...almost.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

An Update on the Tool that Jealousy Built

Just a little bit of an update.....
One of the techs installed the software from a SMARTboard on my laptop yesterday. Great news - it works with my WiiMote interactive whiteboard! You can also download a free trial version of the the SMARTboard Notebook software. (Download it here.)

Here is the slideshow that I showed at my demo yesterday (just in case anyone wanted to see the pictures again).

Here is a link to my wiki where I have linked many of the resources I have found for the poor man's IWB.

Well today I actually used the IWB for teaching (not just playing games!). I like it. I created a flash arcade game quiz using Lots of fun!

P.S. I am still jealous of anyone with a real SMARTboard.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wiimote Whiteboard - IT WORKS!!!

Well I got the WiiMote Whiteboard working! Can't type any more - too busy playing. I will post a video when I get a moment. Yee haw!

Monday, May 12, 2008

An Interactive Whiteboard on the Cheap (Like $100 Cheap)!!!!!!!

Wow. A Wii remote hacked into a DIY interactive whiteboard. It even works to turn your regular monitor into a tablet!

All that you need is a projector, a Wii remote, a laptop with Bluetooth, and some sort of IR light source (an easy DIY project) - oh and some open source downloads.

Thanks to Vicki Davis (CoolCatTeacher) who pointed this out in her blog and Johnny Chung Lee (the creator).

Time to start rolling my loose change to buy the parts for one.